Welcome to Troop 888
"Scouting with Altitude"
for over 50 years





First Aid


Earning merit badges gives Scouts the opportunity to learn essential life skills and to gain real world knowledge in more than 130 different areas. The merit badge program plays a significant role in Scouting achievement. They are required for all ranks above First Class but a Scout of any rank can earn any merit badge they desire at any time.
1. Once you decided on a merit badge you will need to talk to your Scoutmaster about your choice. They will provide you a Blue Card and might even be able to recommend a MBC (Merit Badge Counselor).
2. After deciding on a MBC, you will meet with them and plan a strategy to complete the badge requirements. You may need to meet with your MBC several times to complete the requirements but each time you should bring your Blue Card to capture the requirements you did complete.
3. Once you have completed all your requirements for your merit badge, your MBC will sign the back of your Blue Card. You are to take the Blue Card back to the Scoutmaster who will also sign it and ask you to turn it into the troop's Advancement Chairperson. You will then receive your earned merit badge at the troop's next scheduled Court of Honor.


Second Class


First Class
Each scout should pay careful attention to the requirements ahead of them to gain the next rank as outlined in the Scout Handbook. As the Scout masters each requirement, they will discuss and demonstrate their knowledge with an older scout (who possesses the rank of Star or higher) who will initial and date the Scout's Handbook next to each requirement completed.
Once a Scout has completed all of the requirements for a rank that is outlined in the Scout's Handbook, then they will need to schedule a Scoutmaster Conference with the Scoutmaster or an adult leader as designated by the Scoutmaster.
IMPORTANT: Prior to attending their Scoutmaster Conference, each Scout is required to fill out Scoutmaster Conference Form and bring it with them to their scheduled conference.
After successfully completing the Scoutmaster Conference, the Scout is encouraged to seek out our Advancement Chairperson to schedule a Board of Review. This step IS NOT required for the rank of Scout.
IMPORTANT: Prior to attending a Board of Review, each Scout is asked to bring a copy of the Board of Review form with them to their conference along with their newly signed Scoutmaster Conference Form demonstrating completion.


Requirements for Scouts looking to earn the ranks of Star through Eagle are focused on leadership skills, earning merit badges, providing service to the troop and community and demonstrating the principles of Scouting in your everyday life.
Once a Scout has completed all of the requirements for a rank that is outlined in the Scout's Handbook, then they will need to schedule a Scoutmaster Conference with the Scoutmaster to discuss their advancement and their troop experiences to date.
IMPORTANT: Prior to attending their Scoutmaster Conference, each Scout is required to fill out Scoutmaster Conference Form and bring it with them to their scheduled conference.
After successfully completing the Scoutmaster Conference, the Scout is encouraged to seek out our Advancement Chairperson to schedule a Board of Review.
IMPORTANT: Prior to attending a Board of Review, each Scout is asked to bring a copy of the Board of Review form with them to their conference along with their newly signed Scoutmaster Conference Form demonstrating completion.

Eagle Scout
Since 1912, the Eagle Scout rank has represented a milestone of accomplishment, perhaps without equal, that is recognized across the country and even the world. Those who have earned the Eagle Scout rank count it among their most treasured achievements. “Eagle Scout” is not just an award; it is a state of being. Those who earned it as youth continue to earn it every day as adults. That is why an Eagle Scout IS always an Eagle Scout not was.
Prior to scheduling time with the Scoutmaster for the Scoutmaster Conference for this very last rank, the troop offers special counsel to insure that the process of earning the Eagle rank goes smoothly. Troop 888 has an adult leader on our committee designated as the Eagle Rank Counselor who serves as a guide to those Scouts who need advice on their Eagle projects and remaining merit badges. Any scout in our troop who earned the rank of Life is immediately encouraged to seek out this Eagle Rank Counselor to make the most of your remaining time as a Scout and to schedule the remaining requirements in an achievable set of calendar goals.
Once a Scout has completed all of the requirements for the Eagle rank that is outlined in the Scout's Handbook, then they will need to schedule a Scoutmaster Conference with the Scoutmaster. They will also work with the Troop Committee Chairperson to arrange District approval and coordinate their last Board of Review.